Are you a boss or a leader?

Do you know?

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Did you know?

A staggering 59% of employees are not engaged at work.

This is often due to poor leadership practices (HCA Mag)

Understanding the boss vs. leader difference is crucial. 🌟

Which one are you?

See below for a comparison of 7 traits!

The Project MGMT Playbook provides a comprehensive guide to mastering project management, including over 2,000 tips, strategies, and techniques.

🚫The boss assigns tasks and expects compliance.'
✅The leader inspires by setting a vision.

🚫The boss relies on authority to command respect.
✅The leader earns respect through behavior.

🚫The boss expects obedience without feedback.
✅The leader seeks engagement and encourages feedback.

🚫The boss micromanages and controls.
✅The leader empowers team members.

🚫The boss takes credit for successes.
✅The leader gives credit to the team.

🚫The boss commands decisions unilaterally.
✅The leader collaborates with the team.

🚫The boss focuses on weaknesses and failures.
✅The leader strengthens and develops team members.

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