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  • 🚩Great leadership isn’t about tearing people down

🚩Great leadership isn’t about tearing people down

It’s about empowering others to be their best.

Read Time: 4 minutes

What’s Inside?
10 Examples of Outstanding Leadership
My Favorite Readings This Week
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Outstanding leadership isn’t about tearing people down.

It’s about empowering others to be their best.

Here are 10 examples of what authentic leadership looks like:

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1. Encourage their potential
➟Let them know you see their strengths.
➟Help them identify areas to improve.
➟Give them opportunities to stretch themselves.

 2. Give constructive feedback
➟Help them grow, not just correct.
➟Focus on the solution, not the problem.
➟Provide feedback privately and with respect.

3. Foster trust
➟Trust your team to take ownership.
➟Allow them to make mistakes and learn.
➟Give autonomy over their tasks and projects.

4. Recognize achievements
➟Celebrate their wins, big or small.
➟Acknowledge their hard work publicly.
➟Show appreciation regularly, not just at milestones.

 5. Provide growth opportunities
➟Offer new challenges and responsibilities.
➟Help them set career development goals.
➟Encourage them to take on leadership roles.

 6. Support during challenges
➟Be their guide when things get tough.
➟Be present when they need you most.
➟Offer solutions, not blame, in tough situations.

7. Be approachable
➟Keep an open line of communication.
➟Make yourself available for questions and support.
➟Foster open and honest dialogue without judgment.

 8. Lead by example
➟Show what leadership looks like through action.
➟Model the behavior you expect from them.
➟Stay calm under pressure and inspire confidence.

9. Encourage collaboration
➟Build a team-first culture of support.
➟Create opportunities for cross-functional teamwork.
➟Knowledge-sharing and collective problem-solving.

10. Show genuine care
➟Understand their needs and aspirations.
➟Take time to know their personal goals.
➟Support their well-being beyond just work tasks.

Leadership is about:

• lifting others
• guiding with empathy
• and creating an environment for growth.

How do you empower your team?

Some of my favorite readings this week:

Do you have any burning questions you want answered? Reply and share them with me. I’ll be answering questions once per week on my YouTube channel.

Until next time,


P.S. Ready to level up your career?

  1. Check out all of my resources for project management excellence here.

  2. Read all of my past newsletters here.