🚩Unlock Winning Negotiation Strategies

How To Get What You Deserve

Read Time: 4 minutes

What’s Inside?
How to Secure What You Deserve
The 7/38/55 Communication Rule
Find the Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)
Harvard’s 6 Guidelines for Securing a "Yes"
6 Top Negotiation Tips

The unfortunate truth?

Most people aren’t getting what they deserve.

The solution?

Master the art of negotiation with these proven strategies:

The Only Resource For Project MGMT You'll Ever Need.  

📌The 7/38/55 Communication Rule:

➤ 7% Words
➤ 38% Tone & Pace
➤ 55% Body Language

Learn more here.

📌Find the Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA):

↳ Find where your interests align.
↳ This is where deals happen.
↳ Negotiate within this zone for the best results.

Learn more here.

📌Harvard’s 6 Guidelines for Securing a "Yes"

1. Focus on the issue, not the individual
2. Prioritize needs, not demands
3. Master emotional control
4. Show genuine gratitude
5. Frame your message positively
6. Break free from reaction loops

Learn more here.

📌6 Top Negotiation Tips:

1. Diverse negotiation angles
➟ Appeal to human needs to build trust.

2. Keep cards close to your chest
➟  Share cautiously and guard personal details.

3. Understand motivations
➟ Adjust based on the other person’s key drivers.

4. Adapt your emotions
➟ Match emotions to the negotiation style.

5. Rewrite the rules
➟ Shift the environment to regain momentum.

6. Leverage time
➟ Use time pressure to your advantage.


You deserve to negotiate for the results you want.

Use these strategies to secure what you’re worth.

What’s your top tip for negotiation success?

Join in on the conversation here.

Do you have any burning questions you want answered? Reply and share them with me. I’ll be answering questions once per week on my YouTube channel.

Until next time,


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